Monday 18 June 2012


I wanted to debut a blog series today called Make & Munch. A fun craft to make and a delicious recipe to munch on. Pretty much my favorite activities ever. I have a quick tutorial for frilly toothpicks to go with a very simple breakfast sandwich recipe today.

  • Toothpicks
  • Crepe or tissue paper
  • Scissors, Adhesive
  • Directions:
    1. Cut a strip of crepe or tissue paper.
    2. Fold it in half several times (so you don’t have to make as many cuts).
    3. Cut frills into one side of the paper and leave the other side connected.
    4. Unfold your strip of paper.
    5. Cut a small piece of frilled paper and apply adhesive against the uncut side.
    6. Place your toothpick at the start of the paper and beginning rolling tightly onto the toothpick.
    7. Continue with the rest of your toothpicks to make as many as you need!

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